Employment Opportunities

SAEL is hiring a Tech Aide, you can apply here

SAEL is now a partner with the NCSOS Substitute Consortium. This is the Frontline/Aesop substitute system you may be familiar with. More info is here: https://nevco.org/employment/substitute-teaching/. To sub at SAEL, one will need to navigate the NCSOS pathway.

Our sports teams are shared with Ghidotti and we are looking to hire a girls Varsity Basketball coach, you can apply here.

SAEL Teacher Certificated Salary Schedule

SAEL Non Cert Salary Schedule

SAEL Employee Retirement Options

SAEL Employee Health Insurance Benefits

TEACHER Job Description

Sports Coach Job Description

SAEL is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or any other factor which cannot lawfully be used as a basis for an employment decision.